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Communications module for Smart City

Connect citizens with their environment with smart technology

Soluciones de megafonía para smart cities

Communication module for urban furniture

Smart In is a communications module that works with IP technology, designed to be installed inside street furniture. It allows the integration of other technological applications to provide services to citizens from the public elements of the city, such as lights or canopies.

SMART IN module

for lighting fixtures and urban furniture


PA system, Wi-Fi, CCTV, Sensors, etc.

Light control in luminaires



From control center or devices


Thanks to its size and design

Smart technology and services

Connect citizens with the environment

Smart In is the solution for smart cities that allows communications and security services to be offered from the public elements of the city. Conventional street furniture becomes an interactive solution and optimizes the experience of the user and the local administration with the city environment.

The Smart In module allows you to take control of urban furniture and integrate different technological devices:

Hi-Fi Sound System

public address bands

Public Internet

Wi-Fi / WiMAx / 4G / 5G

CCTV video surveillance

LIVE recording and broadcast

light control

DMX & DALI protocols

SOS button

For emergency situations

Environmental sensor

Temperature, wind, rain...

License Plate Reading

Recording and broadcast

Other services

Any service with IP technology

Smart In integration

Integration of Smart In in street furniture

The Smart In module is installed inside public elements and offers smart services from inside thanks to its small size:

Luminaria Smart Lighting

Urban furniture becomes an intelligent solution that offers services to citizens

lighting solution

Smart Lighting

Light control of luminaires

Smart In can regulate the light of the luminaires through the DMX and DALI lighting protocols, becoming a comprehensive Smart Lighting solution

Download datasheet about Smart In

Download the documentation with the features of Smart In to convert street furniture into Smart City solutions

ergonomics and durability

Adaptable for every situation

Smart In elements are separable to streamline system installation and maintenance, as well as offering better performance in more extreme environments.

Module connector

Core module

Power supply

Better ergonomics

The separable elements allow its installation in any environment or city, improving its extraction capacity to carry out maintenance in an easier way.

Image: Registration of a luminaire where the Smart In connector is accessed.

Increased durability

Although all Smart In electronics are designed to operate over an extended temperature range, the life of the power supplies depends on the operating temperature.

The possibility of placing the power supply in a place that is not affected by solar radiation improves the durability of the product and reduces incidents. This feature is key for environments with hot climates, both on beaches and in cities.


Adaptable for every situation

There is not always an adequate context to carry out a Smart City installation. There are several factors that can make the project difficult, such as geography, access to connectivity, temperature of the installation site…

Smart In adapts to each situation. We have different models to carry out your Smart City project with the maximum viability and efficiency possible.


Control center

The services offered by Smart In can be managed remotely, individually or collectively, from the central management console. Features
Gestión de equipos de megafonia

smart in today

Case study in Smart Cities

Public administrations and lighting manufacturers have already increased the value of their urban solutions with Smart In technology

Columna Integral Modular CIM – AMB

The Área Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB) designed a public address column to offer sound and connectivity services on Barcelona’s beaches.

Hi-Fi Sound System

Scheduled and live information notices

Public Internet

Free public Wi-Fi service

Environmental sensors

Analysis of atmospheric factors such as UV radiation

Smart column at La Croissete, Cannes

Technilum, manufacturers of street furniture in France, installed designer luminaires with smart services along the famous French promenade.

Hi-Fi Sound System

Live and scheduled information announcements

Video surveillance

Free public Wi-Fi service

Menu holder

throught to urban furniture

Dynamic lighting


Discover how to install smart street furniture

Discover the potential of Smart In to offer smart services from urban furniture in cities

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